Friday, January 23, 2009


I need to return to that simple point of grace where I'll touch my destiny"

'Will you talk to me?' is the first single off Aaron 'Krucio' Rimbui's 2nd album Alfajiri (Sunrise). Written by Kanjii Mbugua with soulful vocals by Atemi Oyungu and Kanjii, 'Will you talk to me?' captures the uncertainty that often engulfs the human spirit.

Life can be a journey of confusion where present circumstances weigh us down and keep us from realizing our inherent greatness. With ravenous hearts we reach out into a graceless world and find in it a reflection of the shame and disgrace within us.

These heart- felt lyrics echo the unspoken whispers of our souls; the secret desire for validation and the unquenchable longing to live for something greater than the present.


Anonymous said...

interesting review. very well written.
is Alfajiri available for sale online?

Shem Odhiambo said...

Thanks for the positive review of my review:-), you can download 'Will You Talk to Me' off Aaron's page on Facebook- its free for a limited period.